Non Sexual Intimacy Ideas

The everyday grind of work, home, and other responsibilities can often times get in the way of sustaining intimacy in a marriage.

When you are too busy for dedicated quality time, intimacy with your spouse can suffer. Improving intimacy is not only about trying new ideas for sexual activity, it also includes non-sexual intimacy ideas.

For help improving intimacy, you can download a free copy of The Marriage Repair Handbook, a guide specifically for helping and repairing marriages. Also, visit our resources page for additional information on how to improve intimacy in your marriage.

Intimacy is a feeling of being physically and emotionally connected and supported. These non-sexual intimacy ideas can help keep the passion alive in your marriage.

Meaningful Communication

Married couples may communicate often throughout the day about their work schedules, kids’ homework, household chores, and any errands that need to be completed. While practical and necessary, these conversations lack the type of intimacy that strengthens the bond between spouses.

Having open, honest, and healthy conversations about your feelings, your desires, and your fears will help build a deeper connection within your marriage.

Intimacy builds over time as you connect and grow with your spouse. It can also fade over time, so it’s important to continue to share your thoughts, feelings and experiences regularly with each other.

Physical Affection

Showing physical affection is a way to boost positive and passionate feelings in a marriage.

For instance, holding hands while shopping, giving massages while relaxing, and cuddling while watching movies are great ways to share quality time and personal space with your spouse.

Even saying hello and goodbye with a hug and a kiss can help increase emotional intimacy and promote feelings of comfort and trust.

Thoughtful Gifts

The goal of incorporating non-sexual intimacy ideas into your marriage is to show affection for your spouse, show appreciation for their individual characteristics, and show dedication to being with them, supporting them, and loving them throughout the years.

A great way to show affection, appreciation, and create long-term intimacy in your marriage is to give thoughtful gifts. Some examples include:

a. leaving sweet notes for each other on the bathroom mirror
b. sending flowers or a small gift to their work
c. having a romantic dinner at home
d. texting loving messages to each other throughout the day.

Common Interests

Intimacy grows stronger when you take a genuine interest in each other’s hobbies, beliefs, favorite things, ideas, and attitudes. Nurture those common interests that attracted you to each other in the beginning of your relationship.

You can try traveling, playing board games, hiking, watching a new series, dancing, listening to music or attending sporting events. Spending some quality time together enjoying a mutual interest will reignite the spark.

In addition, you can also rekindle special moments from the past. Some good options are revisiting where you first met, your first kiss, and where you got engaged or married. Reminiscing and appreciating special moments demonstrate deep commitment and intimacy within your marriage.

For married couples who struggle with intimacy, these non-sexual intimacy ideas can help you maintain a strong bond. For more ideas, download a free copy of The Marriage Repair Handbook. Also, visit our resources page for more techniques that will help bring passion back into your marriage.